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Slow heat infusion

An efficient & effective method of nutrition transfer!

By Nat Habit

In today's fast world, we want everything quick, whether it's getting groceries delivered or taking care of our hair. But remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare? Aesop said, "Slow and steady wins the race," and he was right. It's like that with slow heat infusion too. But let's break it down first.

What exactly is heat infusion? Heat infusion is the art of coaxing out nutrients from ingredients, plants & herbs, by gradually heating them, allowing flavors, vitamins, and minerals to meld into a base liquid.


Now, let's turn our focus to the method of slow heat infusion. The question arises, why is this technique even important?

Well as we all know that heat is necessary for dissolving even the complex molecular structure of nutrients. However, too much heat can actually destroy these. This is why you need to regulate and control the heating temperature throughout the process.

You can also understand from this example, think of sun as a source of heat. Flowers need heat to grow..If you blast them with too much heat, they'll wither away, taking all their goodness with them. But treat them gently with slow heat, and they'll blossom into a nutrient-packed bouquet.

So, what actually makes Slow heat infusion better?


Low temperature infusion is much better for nutrient retention. When we use slow heating, it enables a gradual release of nutrients. This prolonged and regulated process allows ample time for nutrients to infuse into the base liquid without succumbing to degradation, yielding a more nutrient-dense outcome.

Effective preservation of nutrients hinges on temperature control. High temperatures can denature or destroy heat-sensitive vitamins and enzymes, diminishing the nutritional value of the final product. In contrast, slow heat infusion prevents nutrient loss by maintaining a lower and more controlled temperature throughout the process.

So, next time, channel your inner tortoise and embrace the slow heat infusion method. Your taste buds—and your body—will thank you for it!

In a nutshell, slow heat infusion is a best-kept secret for preserving nutrients. By taking it slow, we're not just extracting—we're preserving the best stuff. So, next time you're whipping up a storm in the kitchen, remember: slow and steady wins the race

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