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Power of leaves

Aiding in hair fall control

By Nat Habit

Our locks are an extension of our persona. The healthy ones bring us joy, don’t they? Here’s the secret to bringing back the bounce of our hair and reviving scalp health: Nature. It’s time to hand-pick products that are synonymous with it, seeking all remedies under its wide and vibrant umbrella.

With a number of hair care products lining the shelves, the potency of leaves in curbing hair fall stands as a testament to nature's nurturing prowess. From the lush foliage of hibiscus to the aromatic allure of curry and neem leaves, botanical treasures offer holistic remedies that redefine hair care routines, fostering stronger and healthier locks.

Hibiscus Leaves: Balancing and Strengthening


Hibiscus leaves are packed with Vitamin C and flavonoids, essential for nourishing the scalp and boosting blood circulation, ensuring optimal nutrient delivery to hair follicles for robust growth. Their pH-balancing properties maintain scalp acidity, warding off dandruff and irritation that may further lead to hair loss. Moreover, the amino acids present in the leaves form a protective shield, fortifying hair strands against breakage and reducing damage-induced hair fall.

Curry Leaves: Nourishing and Strengthening from Within


Abundant in beta-carotene and iron, these leaves are a potent remedy for hair fall. Beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A, fortifies the hair shaft, while iron nourishes follicles from within, fostering healthy growth and reducing hair fall. Additionally, the alkaloids in curry leaves mitigate root inflammation, soothing the scalp and creating an ideal environment for hair to thrive.

Neem Leaves: Nature's Antidote to Hair Fall


Neem, hailed as the "wonder tree" in traditional Indian medicine, offers numerous health benefits, including its effectiveness in combating hair fall. Neem leaves, rich in antibacterial properties, target microbial activity on the scalp, preventing infections and strengthening hair follicles. By regulating sebum secretion, they maintain a healthy scalp environment, warding off issues like clogged follicles and hair fall. Additionally, the polyphenols found in neem leaves nourish and fortify hair follicles, reducing breakage and promoting thicker, healthier hair growth.

From hibiscus to curry and neem leaves, each botanical treasure embodies a wealth of nutrients and compounds that work synergistically to promote stronger, healthier hair from root to tip. Whether brewed into nourishing hair masks like our Crushed Tri Leaf NutriMasks or infused into invigorating hair oils like our Crushed Tri Leaf Dasabuti Oil, the power of leaves holds the potential to transform your hair care journey, bringing you one step closer to the vibrant, resilient locks you desire.

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